Zum ersten Mal präsentiert Motette Psallite Verlag das gesamte Orgelwerk von Johann Sebastian Bach, gespielt von Stefan Engels, derzeit Professor an der renommierten Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Wir bieten hiermit inspirierende Aufnahmen und eine musikalische Exkursion zu vielen wertvollen und prestigeträchtigen Orgeln in der ganzen Welt, einschließlich historischer und moderner Orgeln, auf denen sich das Orgelwerk Bachs exemplarisch darstellen lässt.
Von besonderer Bedeutung ist unser Konzept, erstmals sämtliche Orgelwerke von J. S. Bach in einer Gesamteinspielung dem liturgischen Kalender des Kirchenjahres unterzuordnen. Da Bach durch seine diversen Tätigkeiten zutiefst mit dem Kirchenjahr vertraut war, scheint dieser Ansatz logisch und erfrischend, und sein Orgelwerk erscheint in neuem Licht.
Vol. I (Advent und Weihnachten) wurde in vier Orten in den Vereinigten Staaten und Deutschland aufgenommen: in der Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Dallas und an der University of Notre-Dame in Indiana (beide USA), in der Dresdner Kathedrale und in der Basilika Steinfeld (beide DE).
Vol. I: Advent & Christmas - 4 CDs
Booklet: DE & EN - Einführungstext von Prof. Dr. Christopher Anderson.
For the first time, Motette Psallite Verlag presents the complete organ works of Johann Sebastian Bach, played by Stefan Engels, currently professor at the renowned Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, USA.
We hereby offer inspiring recordings and a musical excursion to many valuable and prestigious organs around the world, including historical and modern organs, on which Bach's organ works can be exemplified.
Of particular importance is our concept of arranging all of J. S. Bach's organ works in a complete recording for the first time according to the liturgical calendar of the church year. Since Bach was deeply familiar with the church year through his various activities, this approach seems logical and refreshing, and his organ works appear in a new light.
Vol. I (Advent and Christmas) was recorded in four locations in the United States and Germany: the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Dallas and the University of Notre-Dame in Indiana (both USA), the Dresden Cathedral and the Basilica Steinfeld (both DE).
We hereby offer inspiring recordings and a musical excursion to many valuable and prestigious organs around the world, including historical and modern organs, on which Bach's organ works can be exemplified.
Of particular importance is our concept of arranging all of J. S. Bach's organ works in a complete recording for the first time according to the liturgical calendar of the church year. Since Bach was deeply familiar with the church year through his various activities, this approach seems logical and refreshing, and his organ works appear in a new light.
Vol. I (Advent and Christmas) was recorded in four locations in the United States and Germany: the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Dallas and the University of Notre-Dame in Indiana (both USA), the Dresden Cathedral and the Basilica Steinfeld (both DE).
Vol. I: Advent & Christmas - 4 CDs
Booklet: DE & EN - Introduction by Prof. Dr. Christopher Anderson
Booklet: DE & EN - Introduction by Prof. Dr. Christopher Anderson